are you ready? wanna see me? come see my favorites? who the heck is this man? drop me... a line come back here!

Entry the Six Hundred and Twenty Fifth

02 May 2004

New Toy/Decisions


Got my new toy today, a new keyboard for the Palm. Had one for the old Palm, and finally got tired of not having one for the new one. It's easier when I want to type some stuff faster on here, and there are some things you just don't want to run through the work computer. "Wouldn't be prudent," and all that.

The new keyboard isn't as large as the old one, but it's a lot easier than using the thumb keyboard if I want to type a lot.

Was a bouncy mess at work. Had to head home early from work because the cable guy was showing up, so was utterly unmotivated to do a damned thing except chat and file stuff. Didn't even need to hit the coffee, except to stave off the withdrawal. ;-) The cable was easy to fix, done in 20 minutes and gone (simply needed a reset of the box,which I couldn't do myself).

Did do some thinking about finances. I have one of my "extra" pay periods coming up in July or August and I'm debating between a new iBook and plopping the money onto one of my cards. It would mean about 6 months off of the life of the debt on the one card, which is very, very tempting as well. The responsible thing to do would be to invest it into the card and pay that off that much sooner, which would mean more money to play with sooner. Getting the computer means I get to switch away from the PC and over to an Apple that much sooner. Ugh. Neither one is without its advantages and charms. Grrr. I have a while to decide, but that's not going to be an easy decision.

Richard got home just fine today. He's in the midst of playing with the recycling now. I've got to get in there and do some dishes yet so I can make dinner, but I'm unmotivated to leave the couch now that I can do the whole "laptop" experience with the Palm. ;-) It's good to have him home again, he's an important part of my life.



Love it when Windows decides to become unstable and shut down entirely. The reboot button becomes a happy thing then. And folks wonder why I want to dump MS and go to a Mac system. :-P

Discovered this morning that my bike tires were flat as pancakes, so that killed the planned ride, at least for then. Richard and I then went down to get some pots and soil for the plants we have, and some new seeds to start some more additions to the balcony garden. I think we're going to have to get more containers eventually, but this is a good start. And it means we'll have fresh basil soon enough, which was one of the major goals of having the balcony in the first place.

The AC is finally on in the building, and while it's pretty nice outside, since I now know that I'm allergic to everything under the sun, we've closed the apartment up so we can run the air filters 24/7 now. Fun, fun. I'd rather have it open, but before they switched over the windows were open and the whole place was covered in nice yellow pollen. :-p Not the best thing in the world to come home to after meeting the allergist. Thankfully my reactions aren't that rough, but some minimization of contact can't be a bad thing.



Entry the Six Hundred and Twenty Sixth

03 May 2004


The commission meeting this evening went very well. We ended before 10:30, and I got home at a decent hour, even if I'm not getting to bed by one. Didn't vote with the majority in all things, but you know, that's okay. It was actually such a good meeting that I felt much, much better about being on the commission itself, which is important, because I've been feeling very down-in-the-dumps about it of late.

I'm still not 100% sure I'll run for reelection, but I feel better about it now than I did just a week ago. I do still resent some of the time commitment that it takes, but I can deal with that in other ways. I do know that I need to write a bit more for the commission work and not depend so much on our staffer, especially since he is leaving as of the end of next month.

Things perk along otherwise. Going to go swim in the morning, bag is packed for that. That and clearing out emails were my big things this evening, post-meeting. Well, and updating the keyboard drivers for the Palm. It was being all buggy this afternoon, so I checked and sure enough there was a big upgrade to it. That was annoying, so I'm glad it's fixed now. Work is work. I've been handed another project and I'm trying to zip through that to get back to the other two I have sitting on my plate.

I was such a lazy shit the past two weeks at work, I don't know what was going on. Didn't get squat done, but I seem to be breaking out of that, thankfully.



Entry the Six Hundred and Twenty Seventh

05 May 2004


04/5/5 2:06 p.m.

So, yeah, I ran this morning. It was on a treadmill, and it wasn't terribly fast, but it was a run, nonetheless. I'm sure my thighs are going to feel it in the morning tomorrow, and my knees protested a bit on the Metro escalators afterward, but I seem to be doing pretty well, post-lunch.

I had decided, since I've been walking totally pain-free for the past few days, that I could venture an easy run this morning to see how it felt. Always had in the back of my mind that if I needed to, I could and would stop and use the elliptical instead of the treadmill if there was any pain. Thankfully that wasn't necessary. I have nothing against the elliptical except that it's duller than dirt. I'd much rather get a nice, invigorating run in any day of the week, even if it has to be done on a nice, soft treadmill to spare my poor body.

But this means that running is now a part of exercising for me again. Which means that I am truly working on triathlon training with this plan (swimming, biking and now running). I want to try and find a sprint distance triathlon for this fall if I can, provided the swimming ever gets up to par. That's my one weakness, as it is with many who come to triathlon from running.

Wow. Am just very excited that I am finally, really, and truly recovered from that damned injury. So now I'm going ahead with what I want to be doing, with one eye to caution, but the other fully focused on the end goal.


Ran @ the YWCA

Entry the Six Hundred and Twenty Eighth

11 May 2004


I keep trying to write some about the weekend, but I keep getting overwhelmed by how much happened. Suffice to say for now that it was an extremely positive experience, one that I definitely want to repeat, and that it was exactly what I needed.

I spent yesterday, the day after the retreat, wandering around, staying out of the apartment, shopping and sipping warm soy milk before a late dinner with Lawrence and then home to bed. Was, again, precisely what I needed. I didn't want to return to work today, though, and it was very hard to get "into" working again. I never did really get into a working groove, though I did do some things that were productive. Hopefully I'll shake out of that and get back into a working groove, but it might take a couple of days.

Otherwise I've felt pretty peaceful since the weekend. The feeling of joy that I experienced has mellowed to a nice, calm happiness. I bought a couple of books yesterday, one on Taiji (T'ai Chi) and one on the Dao De Jing (Tai Te Ching). I wanted to read some more on qi (ch'i), and some more in the Dao De Jing. The DDJ text I found is pretty good, it has the Chinese text and pronunciation, as well as translations, commentary and some stuff on word usage in the text. Was quite a find in a normal bookstore, honestly. Not something I'd have expected to see (and only spotted it after seeing several texts that had both Chinese and English, but no notes, pronunciation, etc.). Started reading in the Taiji text, it's got translations of some texts and lots of commentary by the author, a purported Taiji teacher from Taiwan who now lives here in the states. So far, so good.

I'll continue to try to get more stuff written on the experience, but so far it's just been a bit much to try to write about.


Swam @ the YWCA

Entry the Six Hundred and Twenty Ninth

17 May 2004

Short Update

Just been busy. Richard's birthday party went well on Saturday, work continues to go well, if busier at the moment, and I'm still exercising, though not, apparently, on the weekend thus far. Between the party and my bike tires being mostly out of air, I just wasn't up for it. It'll get better, and I have pumped the tires back up.

Off to swim tomorrow morning, post-laundry, and hopefully I'll be able to curb this appetite of mine. It's been aggravating my nascent acid reflux (bad genes) of late, and that makes me snarly. Or as snarly as I'm getting, post Body Electric. ;-)

Oh, and I actually updated twice this past week on the main board of The new blogger interface is okay, I'd still prefer to have my own service, but I'll deal for now. So go read that one, it's where I'm going to dump more short rants as they come up.

