Moose's Exercise Journal

Monday, February 18, 2002
02/02/18 p.m. 31:46 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 169; MHR: 179; Recovery: 70. Took forever to fall into a pace with this one (about 2/3 of the way through, in fact). It's a faster pace than I've been running on the long runs, which is planned that way, but my body has gotten used to the long run pace and wants to stay there. Problem is, the long run pace is slower than I eventually want to be able to run, and certainly slower than I should be running the 5k distance. Anyway, finally got out and ran, so hopefully that'll bode well for running the rest of the week. Gotta break this "only two days a week" thing.

Sunday, February 17, 2002
02/02/17 p.m. 52:47 run in RCP. AHR: 164; MHR: 179; Recovery: 75. Another good long run, aside from trying to kill my ankle about 8 minutes out. It's a tad sore at the moment, but wasn't a bad strain (thank heavens! I'm not repeating last February/March's crutches!). Ran in shorts and the Pearl underlayer with the long sleeve cotton T; was very comfortable, clothing wise. Do need to get out and run a couple more times this week than I've been doing - while the long runs are going well I need the base to get built up a tad more than I'm currently doing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002
02/02/13 a.m. 17:33 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 167; MHR: 182; Recovery: 68. Another short placeholder run, prep for the weekend long run. I made it a fartlek run today, got in about 6-7 fast paces. Recovery was slower and slower each time. Run started out awful - lower left leg bugged me, but quickly faded to normalcy. Overall I was pleased with the run, though I wish I had gotten up earlier and had more time for it. I need to do a longer fartlek workout sometime soon, just to help with recovery times.

Sunday, February 10, 2002
02/02/10 p.m. 48:38 run in RCP. AHR: 163; MHR: 177; Recovery: 75. Now that pace was more like it for a long run. Kept it below the typical target zone for the majority of the time (39 minutes of the run were below 167). The peak was crossing the bridge onto Piney Branch Parkway. Stuffed myself all day long, so needed the run to recover from that.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002
02/02/06 a.m. 17:35 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 166; MHR: 180; Recovery: 66. Short run, more a matter of being able to say I got out and ran than anything else. No set pace, no focus, just got out and bipped around intensities, etc. Blah. Have to get up earlier and get going rather than putzing around in bed if I want to keep running before work.

Monday, February 04, 2002
02/02/04 a.m. 37:14 ride to work from home (~7.6m). AHR: 154; MHR: 183. Was nervous about the ride and the cold, hence the higher numbers on the heartrate. The ride went well, wind was behind me, so no big deal there. Was cold, but not overly so. Toes were the only thing that got overly cold; the gloves, earmuffs, jacket and tights took care of the rest.

02/02/04 p.m. 46:43 ride home from work (~8.2m). AHR: 148; MHR: 180. Cold as shit outside this evening! I about froze my toes off. The wind sucked ass around the Mall and the early part of the Parkway until I hit the Pennsylvania Ave. Bridge or so. Brr! Will not be trying this again until I figure out warmer foot coverings. Everything else was fine, but I'd really prefer not to get that close to frostbite again.

Sunday, February 03, 2002
02/02/03 p.m. 45:00 run in RCP. AHR: 167; MHR: 186; Recovery: 67. Nice slow, long run today (that peak on the MHR was from acting like a showoff - I sprinted back across the bridge on the other side of the tunnel, probably because there was a line of cars just sitting there, crawling along ever so slowly toward the stop sign and I wanted to be a smartass and sprint beside them). The run was comfortable, my legs feel fine, and that's a good sign toward gearing up to that 10 miler in April (*fingers crossed*!). The blister from Friday seems to be gone, and the spot wasn't "hot" at all this time around.

Friday, February 01, 2002
02/02/01 a.m. 32:13 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 171; MHR: 186; Recovery: 66. Foggy morning (mental note: put anti-fog stuff on glasses before running on foggy morning). Probably wore too much (underlayer and long sleeve T), but wasn't too bad. Legs felt okay, the usual lower left leg thing and right knee at the beginning. I think I've gotten a blister on my right "ring finger" toe. Ouch. The joys of having to wear "dress shoes" to work. ;-)