Moose's Exercise Journal

Sunday, March 31, 2002
02/03/31 p.m. 44:17 run in RCP ( > 5k). AHR: 157; MHR: 166; Recovery: 57. Won't be winning any races at today's pace, but it was a good run. Used the "slower" heart rate, adjusted to reality, and I think it went well for a slow run. It was slower than I'm used to running, but not to the point of biomechanical pain and awkwardness (which was the case with earlier 'slow' paces). Don't want to get used to that as a normal pace, but as a slow one it wasn't bad.

Saturday, March 30, 2002
02/03/30 a.m. 1:21:25 ride to Hains Point and back home (~17.5m). AHR: 154; MHR: 179. Nice ride this morning. Threatened rain, none came. I have a feeling I'm going to feel this ride in my thighs tomorrow. Oh well. ;-) Needed to get out, didn't want to run (want to do a long run tomorrow), so biking it was. Felt good, and the cherry blossoms are gorgeous (even if there are too many tourists out there).

Tuesday, March 26, 2002
02/03/26 a.m. 18:28 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 165; MHR: 176; Recovery: 81. You know when people say their legs felt like lead when they went running? I know how they feel! Legs just never felt like they wanted to get moving. Don't know if it was the cold, or the humidity (it's drizzling out), a lack of sleep, or water or what. Blech. But, I got out and got a short run in. We'll repeat later, hopefully with better results. :-p

Sunday, March 24, 2002
02/03/24 a.m. 35:39 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 165; MHR: 182; Recovery: 75. Tried out various heart rate zones from the site I think my MHR is not an 'average' rate per their site; I think it's higher than the one they list. The reason for this is I can sustain 181 beats comfortably while racing. 182 and I start getting uncomfortable and have to drop down, but 181 is a good pace. The limit they project for me, though, is 173 as my 'anaerobic limit' above which I should only be able to sprint and not maintain for more than a few minutes. :-/ So I think I'm going to recalibrate my limits using that as the upper limit of my anaerobic capacity and see where that puts me. In any case, I tried a lower limit to run at a relaxed pace and it was too fucking slow, so I sped up into what was supposedly my 'anaerobic' zone, but which is more like my normal training zone. At the end I decided to try out the 181 pace, so I got up there and kept it going for a bit, hence the high MHR for this run.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002
02/03/19 a.m. 18:55 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 165; MHR: 175; Recovery: 68. Stayed slower today, kept to the shorter distance. I suspect I was under-hydrated from the way my knees feel at the moment (despite sucking down water this morning). Ah well! May readjust the zones on my monitor to closer conform to "normal" training zones. Dunno, they seem so much slower than my normal pace, but perhaps that would help me.

Sunday, March 17, 2002
02/03/17 p.m. 33:51 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 173; MHR: 183; Recovery: 74. Nice to get in a long run, even if "long" here is my normal, pre-injury run. Raining and cool out, so jacket, hat and shorts were the items to have on. Any warmer and the jacket would have been too much, but low 40s were perfect. Run went well, no slips, was very careful on the mud and puddles, slowed down where necessary and took it easy.

Friday, March 15, 2002
02/03/15 a.m. 21:51 run in RCP (~3k?). AHR: 172; MHR: 182; Recovery: 78. Slightly longer distance, slightly higher heart rate. It was difficult to keep myself to a slow pace today (actually, I failed miserably at staying to a slower pace!). It's so nice out this morning (50s) and I just wanted to run as fast as I could. Didn't sprint the whole way (I'd be gasping out this entry if I had!), but wasn't exactly plodding along slowly, either. Good recovery, still going with it, will be glad when I feel I'm back to "normal" with my running.

Tuesday, March 12, 2002
02/03/12 a.m. 18:06 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 169; MHR: 182; Recovery: 79. First run since twisting the ankle three weeks ago. It went relatively well. Hit the heart rates at a much lower speed, of course, but got it done without any pain, so now to start rebuilding. Joy. The run itself was good, weather was pretty cool (mid 30s), not much traffic this morning. I'm glad to be back to it.