Moose's Exercise Journal

Friday, April 26, 2002
02/04/26 a.m. 17:03 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 166; MHR: 187; Recovery: 91. Couldn't get into the run this morning, the legs just didn't want to do it, so I cut it short. Did manage to run a negative split (a rareity given the downhill/uphill course I run), but my inside, lower left leg is feeling sore (and did, the entire run). Bizarre. But anyway, did get out and ran, so hopefully the next "normal" run won't feel so bad.

Tuesday, April 23, 2002
02/04/23 a.m. 33:37 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 165; MHR: 176; Recovery: 68. Odd run today. I stayed down at a slower pace, just letting the body run, though trying to keep up in the target zone. Yet somehow I was faster than the last run, when I had a much higher heart rate. Go fig. Need more/better sleep, I suppose. Also need to lose some weight - would likely help my knees and speed if I had to carry less weight around than I have currently. :-p

Thursday, April 18, 2002
02/04/18 a.m. 33:52 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 172; MHR: 183; Recovery: 66. NEW SHOES!!!! Slightly better pace, though again a tad too fast (excited over the shoes?). Feet felt good, knees felt good. Did have a bit of pain on the outsides of both feet (?!?!?!) about half way through, but that faded and disappeared later. Overall a good run. Warm and humid out, low 70s.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002
02/04/17 p.m. 40:13, biked home from work (~ 7.7 miles). AHR: 160; MHR: 183. Hotter, of course, than the morning ride. Still went well, and pretty quickly. Am very glad I rode in to work, I needed that break from the bus.

02/04/17 a.m. 35:57, biked into work (~ 7.6 miles). AHR: 153; MHR: 178. Nice day to bike in, my knees are happier than if I'd run (though I got them new shoes, finally, yesterday evening). Still air, not much breeze past the self-created one, but a great ride in. Felt good to be riding to work again.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002
02/04/16 a.m. 31:48 run in RCP (~5k). AHR: 173; MHR: 187; Recovery: 72. Amazing how the trails get crowded when it gets warm out. :-p Lots of runners out this morning. A tad humid, though I actually slept decently last night since they cut on the AC in the building (first time in days that I've slept well - I can acclimate to the heat to sleep, but not if I don't have to!), so the run went okay. Heart rate was too high, probably from the over a week's delay in getting out to run again. Grrr! Silly body. Hopefully the run will help the sleep as well, which will mean more running. Nice cycle.

Monday, April 08, 2002
02/04/08 a.m. 17:50 run in RCP (~2.5k). AHR: 166; MHR: 182; Recovery: 83. Short recovery run at semi-recovery pace. Had to flush out the legs from yesterday's long run (though it would have been easier had it been 24 hours between runs and not 12!). Good weather, cool, non-humid. Legs were a tad leaden from the short recovery period, but otherwise fine.

Sunday, April 07, 2002
02/04/07 p.m. 42:53 run in RCP ( ~4mi). AHR: 169; MHR: 179; Recovery: 67. Ran the long run at my normal pace. Perfect day for running, not humid, cool (mid 50s), nice sunlight, not too much wind (though the occasional hard burst would hit). Felt good, legs feel good, ran a pretty steady pace until the end (sped up).

Tuesday, April 02, 2002
02/04/02 a.m. 32:04 run in RCP ( ~5k). AHR: 173; MHR: 182; Recovery: 66. Much better. Actually got out and ran my "usual" 5k at a "normal" feeling pace. Of course, I'm not back at that fitness level yet, but it still felt good. Cool, crisp morning, perfect running weather (not too humid, not too hot). Any longer and I'd not have needed the underlayer to run, got that warm. Just getting out and running the full 5k at my regular pace was such a boost.