Moose's Exercise Journal

Wednesday, July 30, 2003
03/07/30 a.m. 33:15 run in RCP (3 mi). A bit more like a "normal" run this morning. Was cool, not terribly humid (though I was still soaked at the end). Legs were a bit off as I started, but they came around pretty quickly. Next pay period will be time to get new shoes, I think. Negative split (16:42), and a pretty good one. Post-half marathon will be time to focus on speeding up my shorter distances, I think, and less emphasis on longer runs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003
03/07/29 a.m. Weight workout at the YWCA. Not up early enough to swim, too. Which is okay, the weights went well. And they found one of the two pins for the bicep curl and calf raises, which is good.

Monday, July 28, 2003
03/07/28 a.m. 33:55 run in RCP (3 mi). Slow, steady run. Very humid, very sweaty, very icky that way. Going to have to find a face rag or something to wipe my face with if this keeps up. Not my best time, not my best sleep, but it went well nonetheless. Negative split (17:05), so that was good, too.

Sunday, July 27, 2003
03/07/27 a.m. Swim and weight workout at the YWCA. Did swim drills, as well as some lengths, for about 35 minutes. The drills are definitely helping with form; I had a couple lengths where I didn't end up swallowing half the pool water along with the vital air I was trying to take in. Am definitely at the point where I'm working everything much more intensely because the drills are moving more of me around (i.e., my arms). Weights went well, though someone had taken the pin from the bicep curl and calf raise machines, so I had to substitute other machines. Dork. It flowed a bit better this time, though spent some time grousing to myself and trying to find the pin to the machines. No eye candy this time, the whole place was pretty deserted.

Saturday, July 26, 2003
03/07/26 a.m. 56:04 run in RCP (~4-5 mi). Yuck. For some reason I could not sleep well at all this week and my running suffered for it (compare with last week, which just rocked). Went out to 25 minutes, turned around 'cause I could tell I wasn't going much further. Had to stop for some idiots on bikes on the narrow bridge, then walked once or twice before doing a ten minute walk after the low spot under the porter street exit. Yuck. Did run the last 5 minutes or so, and that was fine, but still wasn't my best. Lesson learned: if you don't sleep well, and it's getting to a late start (11 a.m.), make it a cross-training week, get some food in you and go on a bike ride.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003
03/07/23 a.m. 33:00 run in RCP (3 mi). I think I ended this one too fast, I need to back down some or I'm going to be hitting the "overtraining" mark, if I'm not there already. Run started out pretty poorly, with the lower legs feeling kinda icky and the joints not wanting to cooperate. They evened out by about a 1/4 of the way through, but was a bad start. Thought I was going slower, and I suppose I was, but I still hit the halfway mark at 16:20 (so no negative split). I seem to have problems backing down on the pace, so will have to focus on that tomorrow.

Monday, July 21, 2003
03/07/21 a.m. 33:53 run in RCP (3 mi). Not my most stellar run. It was warm, humid, and I was dripping the entire time. Had broken down and had wine with dinner last night and I'm reminded of all the reasons why I stopped drinking: not the best sleep, don't feel quite 100% in the morning, etc. And it's not like I went on a bender, either, it was two glasses of wine, with food. Blech. So, took my time (like I had a choice) and did my usual three miles.

Saturday, July 19, 2003
03/07/19 a.m. 2:10:35 run in RCP (~>10 mi). Wow. Did the entire ten miles, no walking this time. It went well, if slowly, and I just kept plowing along. Took gel/goo at the turnaround (1:02:35) and at 1:45:00, which did well, no loss of energy. The only weak spot seemed to be my knees and the balls of my feet, both of which were sore toward the end. Difference from earlier runs was that, despite what every training manual says, I ate nothing before I went out and ran. Did have water, and had a touch of sport drink, but no solids, which seemed to help tremendously. I used my water judiciously, in smaller more frequent doses so my system didn't have as much to process at once (except, of course, when I took the gel/goo stuff). That seemed to work much, much better, with no stomach pains and no real loss of energy before the turnaround, which I had experienced on earlier long runs when I'd eaten first and then gone running an hour or two later. So the trick seems to be to get up, get hydrated, get running, then eat once I'm back and cooled down.

03/07/18 a.m. Weight workout at the YWCA. Went in, tried out the weight facilities, everything is convenient except the hamstring curl and tricep curl, so those get done at the end because they're on the 2nd floor, unlike the rest of the machines I use, which are on the 3rd floor. Not bad, but will likely be somewhat sore tomorrow.

Thursday, July 17, 2003
03/07/17 a.m. 41:02 run in RCP (~4 mi). Ran longer today, as planned. Also ran a lot faster, which was not planned. It seems I get distracted and just run. Hit the normal 3 mile turnaround at 15:55, a full half minute faster than the "usual" time. Mostly kept that pace, turnaround was 20:25. After my usual kick-up pace at the end I could tell I'd pushed too hard this morning as I tried to dry-heave a couple times. Nothing came up, no problems there, but was an unfortunately reminder that I have to watch my pace better.

03/07/16 a.m. 32:26 run in RCP (3 mi). A little slower than Monday, on purpose. Was soaked at the end, but the run went really well.

Monday, July 14, 2003
03/07/14 a.m. 32:14 run in RCP (3 mi). Pushed this morning because I got up late and was feeling the pressure. Run went well, I missed a negative split only barely (16:06 turnaround). Now if only my long runs went so well!

Sunday, July 13, 2003
03/07/13 a.m. Swim workout. Drills for 45 minutes at the Y pool, and also biked there and back. Drills were okay, my crawl stroke stinks on ice for most of a length, but I did have some moments where it went fairly well. Have to work on breathing and not swallowing half the pool.

Saturday, July 12, 2003
03/07/12 a.m. 1:05:32 run in RCP (~5 mi). Week of inactivity + strep + penicillin = not the best run. But not a bad one, either. Went out for 30:06, and took walk breaks in 5 min cycles on the way back (walk 1, run 4, walk 2, run 3, etc.). That way there was some discipline and I did get more running because I knew I could take a walk break after a short while. Felt good about the run, though of course I would have preferred to run the whole thing. The strep is non-infectious and not hurting now, so the running should be easier this year. The one puzzling thing was that my right quad was way, way sore. Almost like I had bruised the leg there. A sign of overdoing it on the bike last week, I think, combined with the lack of sleep last weekend. Will do better in the build up to the race.

Sunday, July 06, 2003
03/07/06 a.m. 1:28:47 run in RCP (~>7 mi). Not as bad as last week, but not stellar. I think the easy 10 miles was a fluke because of the cooler temps. The warmer temps we have now (high 80s, low 90s) are wiping my over-airconditioned butt. Two lessons learned, then: 1) I need to get outside in the heat more often to get my body more used to it in normal conditions so it'll function better when I ask it to exercise; 2) I need to ensure I get plenty of sleep, period. The clubbing I did on Thursday took almost three days to recover, and that's not kosher. It was probably more the caffeine I used to stay up than the actual sleep deprivation, but the one leads to the other. Will drop back to a 6 mile run next week for a long run, maybe less, and gradually build back up in the new heat.

Thursday, July 03, 2003
03/07/03 a.m. 32:59 run in RCP (3 mi). Better run than yesterday. Big tree down on Piney Branch, so had to skirt that and the Parks folks who were cleaning it up. Run went well, was humid, but bearable on the short distance. Decided to try W/Th/Sa this week in the hopes that I'll feel fresher for Saturday's long run.

03/07/02 a.m. 33:39 run in RCP (3 mi). Forgot to blog this yesterday. Whoops! Not a bad run, not my best run. Was just there.