Moose's Exercise Journal

Saturday, September 20, 2003
03/09/20 a.m. 34:05 run in RCP (3 mi). Lazy run, with all the branches down from Hurricane Isabel. I took my time and even stopped and threw some limbs off the trail at times. Was good, but the month and a half off is showing it's ugly non-aerobic self.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003
03/09/16 a.m. 33:41 run in RCP (3 mi). Took it longer this morning, wanted the distance to see how I did. Wasn't bad, wasn't spectacular. Felt good to run it, though. I want to work on my 5k times for the Shamrock 5k down at the beach next spring with my family. Then it's off to a triathlon later that spring and, I hope, the Rock 'n Roll Marathon in June. Will be an interesting winter.

Thursday, September 11, 2003
03/09/11 a.m. 17:57 run in RCP (~1.5 mi). Starting over. Now that the Race is over with, and travel is over with (though moving is NOT over with), I can get back to running again. Did a short run, to the wooden bridge and back, just to make sure I could get started. I'll be back up to my regular 3 miles shortly, but this interim step was needed. Not quite a negative split (8:55 turnaround), but not too bad.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003
03/09/03 a.m. 18:40 run in RCP (~1.5 mi). Recovery run from Sunday's Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon. Needed to get the lactic acid out of my legs so just a short run to get myself going.