Moose's Exercise Journal

Thursday, April 29, 2004
04/04/27 a.m. 30:00 in the YWCA on the elliptical. The elliptical is taking the place of running for the nonce, until this issue with my second metatarsal bone is resolved and my foot no longer gets irritated simply from walking. The result of being in the cast for two months was that my foot, which is odd to begin with, didn't have to work to walk, so now that it's walking the fact that my second metatarsal is lower than it should be is coming to the fore - it's getting more pressure that it's used to, or was designed to withstand, so it's irritated. Once that clears up, I'll be able to run, albeit very carefully.

The "run" itself went just fine. Thankfully the iPod made it more bearable as it drowned out the crap they play over the loudspeakers. ^_^ Did the 30 minutes at a moderate pace, stretched afterward, then cleaned up to head to work.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004
04/04/27 a.m. 30:00 in the YWCA pool. Not a hard workout, and the first real beginning of training now that the ankle has been cleared for it by the podiatrist. Some freestyle, some sidestroke. Focused on arm length, twisting the trunk, keeping the head down. Need to do more drills to get into good form for the swimming.

For posterity, the "sprained" ankle I had back in October was actually broken. This was discovered in early February, right after the last bike workout. I was in a walking cast for a little over two months and then in care of the podiatrist for a bit longer. I was cleared last week to start exercising this week, as long as I'm careful with the foot.