7 January, 2006


Category: Relationships — Moose @ 5:21 am

CT and I had our first real fight tonight. I walked away from him in the middle of it. He was not pleased, I was not happy, we both had ugly words to say to each other over it. We were both slightly intoxicated, in the L’Enfant Metro station, and neither of us was going to back down, which made it really ugly. But you know, I’m not one to get into something in front of Metro police, so when they walked over in the middle of it and started making a big deal about something dumb, I walked away.

I’m particularly proud of the way I acted, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to get arrested over something stupid. We’ll talk tomorrow and we’ll get things straightened out, but tonight, I’m glad we’re not sleeping together.

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