6 January, 2007

Weaknesses in Biking

Category: Biking,Exercise,Weather — Moose @ 2:48 pm

I have three big weaknesses, as far as I can see now, on my biking. The first is a tight iliotibial band, which leads to some knee issues. The second is a sore neck when I ride in my aerobars. The third is an occasional sore back after riding (which is a big pain when one moves from biking to running – nothing like having the first few miles cause pretty piercing pain in the back).

On the first, I know how to fix that, and I’m working on it. Lots of stretches, some strengthening, and continuing to keep up the good efforts there. The Stick is helping keep stretch it out.

Not sure yet how to address the other two. Instinct says that they should react well to strength training, but I’m not quite sure what to do there. Still searching for solutions on those two.

This comes to mind because with our freak 70-something degree temperatures today I went out on a nice 20-odd mile bike ride, in regular summer bike regalia. Was nice to do, but it still feels odd to have to put on sun screen, and to have all the windows wide open.

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