3 January, 2009

Uberlist 2009

Category: Lists — Moose @ 6:02 pm

Got it finished, so without further ado:

  1. Breathe
  2. Find my rituals
  3. Race an Aqua-velo
  4. Fix the foot for good
  5. Go to Comrades in June
  6. Get an entertainment center
  7. Replace my shelves
  8. Reorganize the closets
  9. Hire a cleaning service
  10. Replace my dishwasher
  11. Participate in a charity ride, if there is one this year
  12. Cull my clothing
  13. Donate the old microwave
  14. Check on upgrading my cable service to digital
  15. Re-read the Book of the Way and its Power, in Mandarin
  16. Frame my graduate school diplomas
  17. Assist at CBE in April in Philly
  18. Take more pictures
  19. Knit some socks
  20. Knit Kathy’s hat
  21. Knit Tina’s baby scarf
  22. Knit something for my nieces
  23. Establish a weight routine
  24. Visit Atlantic City
  25. Make margarita cupcakes
  26. Learn to use my convection oven
  27. Paint a room
  28. Beat 2 games on the Xbox
  29. Beat 2 games on the Wii
  30. Play a game online with a friend
  31. Reduce my waist size back to a comfortable one
  32. Increase the gauge on my earrings
  33. Commission a piece of art
  34. Reduce or eliminate caffeine
  35. Reduce my consumption of HFCS
  36. Replace the old PC
  37. Get a set of blinds
  38. Clean behind the fridge
  39. “Fix” the front hall
  40. Floss regularly
  41. Get at least one professional massage
  42. Attend a heart circle
  43. Pay off another student sub-loan
  44. Read more books
  45. Get below 155lbs
  46. Have friends over for dinner
  47. Host a bad movies party
  48. Host a game day
  49. Do a massage exchange
  50. Take a knife skills class
  51. Pick up items from Les
  52. Brunch
  53. Practice erotic play
  54. Read the unread Chinese fiction in my collection
  55. Go see A in Vancouver
  56. Look into getting ink
  57. Cry
  58. Clean out the kitchen cabinets
  59. Update my resume
  60. Roomba-ize the living room
  61. Go dancing
  62. Get folks down to Cantina Marina
  63. Come up with a display for my medals
  64. Frame my finished cross stitch projects
  65. Finish a cross stitch pattern
  66. Get a power tap for the tri bike
  67. Get a body fat scale
  68. Get photos done
  69. Use my crock pot
  70. Take leftovers in for lunch
  71. Decorate the bathroom
  72. Go on a date
  73. Pay off a credit card
  74. Remember that I have an oven
  75. Record things in Quicken faster
  76. Track my cash spending
  77. Clip coupons
  78. Go to the Holocaust museum
  79. Join a museum society
  80. Meet Tycho
  81. Fix the tire sensor on the car
  82. Fix the AC in the car
  83. Get air purifiers
  84. Increase my TSP contributions
  85. Water my plants regularly
  86. Grow balcony plants
  87. Cook what I grow on the balcony
  88. Use some of my unused gear
  89. Donate more books
  90. Go to the optometrist
  91. Get my annual physical
  92. Get away from desk at lunch more often
  93. Volunteer at a race
  94. Get to a farmers market
  95. Get a pedicure
  96. Attend a play
  97. Do regular core work
  98. Reduce surface clutter in the apartment
  99. Learn how to do multicolor knitting
  100. Clean out work desk
  101. Go grocery shopping more often
  102. Readjust my sleep schedule to earlier
  103. Take chair & shelf to parents
  104. Get rid of the extra crates
  105. Dispose of roomba battery properly
  106. Get prescription goggles
  107. Store my bike rack properly
  108. Use or donate my old cooking magazines
  109. Get a better tool box

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