3 April, 2006

Pains in various places

Category: Health,Home,Sex,Stuff — Moose @ 2:47 pm

I feel today like I’m back in 2nd grade. That was the year we discovered that the mysterious headaches I was getting, severe enough that I went home several days that spring, were seasonal allergies. I suspect today that it’s a combo of the newly horny plants and the lovely storm front that’s been passing over all day, but right now I just want to take something that’ll knock me out and let me sleep this off. I know it’s not a migraine, I blessedly do not get those, but man does this hurt.

I wonder if any of it is fighting off Richard’s current cold, too. Or stress from the move. Or all of the above.

Speaking of other pains, the movers have been arranged. I went with Tod & Doug’s folks over Starving Students (both were recommended to me) mainly because with Metropolitan I was talking to the local guy, not a national number, and he was much, much friendlier. Not to say that SS wasn’t friendly, but they were damned pushy when I was making it clear (I thought) that I was merely calling for a quote. I’ve already gotten 2 calls and an email from them (and called to ‘cancel’ the move I hadn’t yet signed up for). No thanks, don’t need the hard sell, guys.

So that’s set for the 13th. Also arranged to reserve the elevators, etc.

In shopping for trash cans I’m now thinking an 8 gallon or smaller trash can for the kitchen will be plenty. I’m reltively close to the trash chute and stuff doesn’t need to sit in my apartment for that long. Plus the kitchen’s not as large as I’m used to currently, so smaller would be better from that dimension, too. Still want it to be pretty (duh), but don’t think I need large unless it’s difficult to find medium bags at the local grocery store.

Have my first co-op meeting this evening, voting on officers for the “members’ council,” something separate and apart from the board, evidently. We’ll see how that goes, but if what I’m hearing from folks is any indication it promises to be fairly painful entertaining.

And one last pain, this one in the nipples, for the usual reasons. Not quite to the level of the bruised ribs I had from the tickling scene I did back in 1999, but riding the bus this morning was still a chance to be reminded that they’d been worked over pretty well the previous evening.

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