11 February, 2008


Category: BC,Drinks,Friends,Knitting,Movies,Queer,Work — Moose @ 12:02 am
  • Went dancing last night. First time in years (literally). Had a friend ask BC if he had known I could dance. His response: “Oh course; I’ve slept with him.”
  • Saw Rambo this past week. The highlight: a trailer for Midnight Meat Train. The trailer was all serious, looked good, Wes Craven, etc., then they announced the title in this deep, serious voice. I about spit out the water I was drinking. So going to see it when it’s out.
  • Brunch sometime around 3 this afternoon, after recovering from last night. Dragged Brian out for it, and was good to see him.
  • Busy, busy at work. Not sure that there’s an end in sight for any of it, but I’ll just keep slogging through it.
  • Did a sample swatch of stockinette stitch (finally taught myself to purl yesterday), and learned how to bind off the swatches. I need to go get a needle so I can weave in the ends. That and drag BC to Stitch to pick out some thread for a scarf. Which will be a good excuse to pick up more needles, too, since the pattern calls for a circular needle (I know, it’s not strictly necessary, but hey, why not?).
  • And with that, it’s crash time

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